My Digital Marketing Journey & Why I Chose Udacity As My Partner
I have a full-time job in the IT industry & I’ve been working day in and day out for the past 4 years with all of my heart as a project management professional. I worked hard every year and have always been the top-performer, got good ratings and hike. I still work with the same attitude and achieve what is expected of me. I complete my tasks on time and always ensure that the clients are happy. I am proud of my achievements and appreciations.
But with everything that has changed, the pandemic wreaking havoc everywhere, us moving from an office working model to a work from home model and increasing work pressure. My work-life balance started going for a toss and the work was no longer fulfilling to me mentally as it was before this pandemic. With the whole world coming online at such a fast pace, I felt there is a huge market that is untapped and people are struggling to get their businesses online. I felt I needed to do something great, I wanted to do something creative and fulfilling.
“What do I need to do to get back in touch with my creative self?” I wondered. “How do I get a hold of my life, upskill and reach bigger heights?” such questions kept popping in my mind.
I needed to do something new, I needed to learn Digital Marketing and I was sure of it but I did not do where to start. I did a lot of research on the internet, talked to a few of my colleagues, watched a lot of YouTube videos and started searching for various online courses.
This is where Udacity’s Digital Marketing Nanodegree program comes to the rescue. After a lot of research, I knew Udaicty’s Digital Marketing Nanodegree program is what I need. I looked up the program, went through the website and what got me hooked was “Practical Hands-On Projects”. The key factors that got me 100% sure that this is the program for me were-
- It is made in collaboration with Google, Facebook, Mailchimp, Hubspot and a lot of other industry experts.
- Real-world projects (I’m gaining a lot of skills) along with technical mentor support.
- Flexible learning schedule (I finally saw hope that I can manage this along with my work)
- Career Service
After seeing the benefits, I did not hesitate as I was 100% sure that I am ready for this Digital Marketing journey and the only partner that I need to achieve success in this field is Udacity. I am currently enrolled in the course and it has been a great experience till now and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking to start a career or transition to Digital Marketing.
Stay connected to get more updates about my digital marketing journey.